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Hello world

This tutorial will lead you through creating a simple “Hello World” TUI app that displays some text in the middle of the screen and waits for the user to press q to exit. It demonstrates the necessary tasks that any application developed with Ratatui needs to undertake. We assume you have a basic understanding of the terminal, and have a text editor or Rust IDE. If you don’t have a preference, VSCode makes a good default choice.

You’re going to build the following:


The full code for this tutorial is available to view at

Install Rust

The first step is to install Rust. See the Installation section of the official Rust Book for more information. Most people use rustup, a command line tool for managing Rust versions and associated tools.

Once you’ve installed Rust, verify it’s installed by running:

check rust version
rustc --version

You should see output similar to the following (the exact version, date and commit hash will vary):

rustc 1.74.0 (79e9716c9 2023-11-13)

Create a new project

Let’s create a new Rust project. In the terminal, navigate to a folder where you will store your projects and run:

create new rust project
cargo new hello-ratatui
cd hello-ratatui

The cargo new command creates a new folder called hello-ratatui with a basic binary application in it. You should see:

Created binary (application) `hello-ratatui` package

If you examine the folders and files created this will look like:

├── src/
│ └──
└── Cargo.toml

cargo new created a default with a small console program which prints “Hello, world!“.
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");

Let’s build and execute the project. Run:

run the app
cargo run

You should see:

Compiling hello-ratatui v0.1.0 (/Users/joshka/local/hello-ratatui)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.18s
Running `target/debug/hello-ratatui`
Hello, world!

The default program is responsible for printing the last line. We’re going to replace it with something a little bit more exciting.

Install Ratatui

First up, you need install the Ratatui crate into your project. You will also need to install a backend. For this tutorial, use Crossterm as the backend as it’s compatible with most operating systems. To install the latest version of the ratatui and crossterm crates into the project run:

install ratatui and crossterm
cargo add ratatui crossterm

Cargo will output the following (note the exact versions may be later than the ones in this tutorial).

Updating index
Adding ratatui v0.24.0 to dependencies.
+ crossterm
- all-widgets
- document-features
- macros
- serde
- termion
- termwiz
- widget-calendar
Adding crossterm v0.27.0 to dependencies.
+ bracketed-paste
+ events
+ windows
- event-stream
- filedescriptor
- serde
- use-dev-tty
Updating index

If you examine the Cargo.toml file, you should see the new crates have been added to the dependencies section:

crossterm = "0.27.0"
ratatui = "0.24.0"

Create a TUI application

Let’s replace the default console application code which cargo new created with a Ratatui application which displays a colored message the middle of the screen and waits for the user to press a key to exit.

Note: a full copy of the code is available below in the Running the application section.


First let’s add the module imports necessary to run your application.

In your editor, open src/ and add the following at the top of the file.
use crossterm::{
event::{self, KeyCode, KeyEventKind},
disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen,
use ratatui::{
prelude::{CrosstermBackend, Stylize, Terminal},
use std::io::{stdout, Result};

Setting up and restoring the terminal

Next, add code to the main function to setup and restore the terminal state.

Our application needs to do a few things in order to setup the terminal for use:

  • First, the application enters the alternate screen, which is a secondary screen which allows your application to render whatever it needs to, without disturbing the normal output of terminal apps in your shell.
  • Next, the application enables raw mode, which turns off input and output processing by the terminal. This gives your application control over when to print characters to the screen.
  • The app then creates a backend and Terminal and then clears the screen.

When the application is finished it needs to restore the terminal state by leaving the alternate screen and disabling raw mode.

Replace the existing main function with code to setup and restore the terminal:
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut terminal = Terminal::new(CrosstermBackend::new(stdout()))?;
// TODO main loop

Add a main loop

The main part of an application is the main loop. The application repeatedly draws the ui and then handles any events which have occurred.

Replace // TODO main loop with a loop:
loop {
// TODO draw the UI
// TODO handle events

Draw to the terminal

The draw method on terminal is the main interaction point an app has with Ratatui. The draw method accepts a closure (an anonymous method) with a single Frame parameter, and renders the entire screen. Your application will create an area that is the full size of the terminal window and render a new Paragraph with white foreground text and a blue background.

Replace // TODO draw with:
terminal.draw(|frame| {
let area = frame.size();
Paragraph::new("Hello Ratatui! (press 'q' to quit)")

If you’re curious about where to find the white() and on_blue() methods in the Ratatui doc, these are defined in the Stylize extension trait as style shorthands, rather than on the Paragraph widget.

Handle events

After Ratatui has drawn a frame, your application needs to check to see if any events have occurred. These are things like keyboard presses, mouse events, resizes, etc. If the user has pressed the q key, the app should break out of the loop.

Add a small timeout to the event polling to ensure that the UI remains responsive regardless of whether there are events pending (16ms is ~60fps). It’s important to check that the event kind is Press otherwise Windows terminals will see each key twice.

Replace // TODO handle events with:
if event::poll(std::time::Duration::from_millis(16))? {
if let event::Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Press
&& key.code == KeyCode::Char('q')

Running the Application

Your application should look like: (click to expand)
use crossterm::{
event::{self, KeyCode, KeyEventKind},
disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen,
use ratatui::{
prelude::{CrosstermBackend, Stylize, Terminal},
use std::io::{stdout, Result};
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let mut terminal = Terminal::new(CrosstermBackend::new(stdout()))?;
loop {
terminal.draw(|frame| {
let area = frame.size();
Paragraph::new("Hello Ratatui! (press 'q' to quit)")
if event::poll(std::time::Duration::from_millis(16))? {
if let event::Event::Key(key) = event::read()? {
if key.kind == KeyEventKind::Press
&& key.code == KeyCode::Char('q')

Make sure you save the file! Now you can run the app using:

run the app
cargo run

You should see a TUI app with Hello Ratatui! (press 'q' to quit) show up in your terminal as a TUI app.


You can press q to exit and go back to your terminal as it was before.

Congratulations! 🎉

You have written a “hello world” terminal user interface with Ratatui. The next sections will go into more detail about how Ratatui works.